Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thing 16-Don't forget the milk!

I am a list maker. I make lists on post-its, the backs of envelopes, while waiting to pick up my daughter from school.  I keep a note pad by my bed and set alarm notes in my phone all the time so I don't forget things. Every month, I write out a calendar. Every week, I create a to-do of the important things to I have to do. I get some weird enjoyment from marking off items on a page. The items in thing 16 are all geared in making our lives easier and more productive and I love that.

I already have an iGoogle account as well as a Google calendar that is linked to my iPhone. I use both of them often to help keep track of my personal life and school activities. I did discover Remember the Milk and I'm glad I did.  Remember the Milk is an online list creation site. It enables you to create and divide lists into different categories and share these lists with those who can benefit from being privy to the information or who can help you accomplish the tasks. I created an account and added the app on my iPhone.  Maybe I will finally stop making notes on every sheet of paper I find!

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