Wednesday, December 5, 2012


As I look back on the 23 Things assignment, I have mixed feelings. Certain assignments were very informative and helpful. Others really just seemed like a waste of time. I mean, seriously, Thing 18? The percentage of students who don't have Facebook or Twitter must be very minute. I would consider eliminating this Thing and replacing it with something more beneficial. Also, YouTube is blocked in most school systems. I think Teacher Tube should be explored instead.

This assignment did show me how much is out there to help organize my personal and professional life as well as how many creative sites are out there. It also showed me that apparently, I never search the web! There were so many sites that I had never heard of. Delicious, Live Binder, Flow Charts, Flicker, and Animoto were my favorite discoveries These allowed me to truly see beneficial applications for both my personal and professional life. I've already started using Delicious to create a library of sites that will be useful to me as an educator.

I think the biggest take away that I had from this assignment is that I need to branch out more on the Internet and that there are a whole host of useful sites just waiting to be Googled, which also apparently is waaaaay more than just a search engine! Thanks Thing #12! Also, as a new teacher, use these sites to your advantage. I think I had a fear that I would need to reinvent the wheel with each lesson. This isn't so. I know that I can use some of the these sites and applications to make my career as a teacher better organized, more creative, and most importantly, less stressful!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thing 19- The 'other' social networks

Like most of my thing posts begin, I was not aware of these other social networks.  Other than Facebook, I'm not currently a member of any other social networks , although I did just join Teacher Pop. While I see the importance of these social networks, I also see the importance of the most important social network, the actual people we see and interact with everyday. I'm just as guilty as the next person of spending too much time on Facebook or other web sites, but I feel like we place far too much emphasis on our virtual friends and peers. Make an date to have lunch with an old friend, or give them a call on a long drive. Put the phone down and be present  with those who are in your presence.

I did check out the the links to other social networks and I really like Good Reads. I'm always searching for a new book so I will definitely use this site again.

Also, I tried to embed the bade from Teacher Pop, but like the other attempts at embedding, it did not work.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thing 23

Creative commons will be a useful tool for my classroom. With a large library of videos,songs, academic and scientific material that are all free to access, I can use items found on this site without fear of breaking any copyright laws. I can take items from the site as is, or tweak and edit them to meet the needs of my class or lesson plan. I can also direct students to the site during assignments so they also have free access to materials as well as the right to use them.

Our 23 Things blog is loosely based on Stephen Abrams's 43 things to do this summer as well as

Thing 22-Live Binders

Live Binder appears to be a very useful tool for professionals that would benefit from retaining a library of  websites, references, and word documents. As a teacher, I would use the binders for the subjects I teach, good tips or motivational reads I find, blogs, research papers I've written, etc. I could also create binders for student web quests that they could access or to store assignments they complete.
I created binders entitled Middle School Social Studies, Middle School Language Arts, and Tips for Teachers.
I attempted several tries to embed one of my binders, but it would not work. Here is a link.

<div style="width:75px; height:78px; background-image:url(; border:0px; margin-top:4px; background-repeat: no-repeat"> <a href=""> <img src="" style="width:60px; height:60px; border:0px; padding:0px;margin:11px 0px 0px 13px;" /> </a> </div> <div><a href="">Tips for Teachers</a><br /></div>

Thing 21- Animoto

Thing 21

This was probably my favorite of the sites we researched! I will certainly use this site again for personal use. I could also use this in the classroom. I could use it to showcase students' work or as a cumulative display of school year highlights. If you wanted, you could also purchase a premium package to create longer videos. Students could use this site to create videos for class projects.

Thing 20- You Tube

YouTube is filled with hilarious, ridiculous, and inappropriate videos. It also has videos worth watching. While most school districts allow limited access to YouTube, there is a version called Teacher Tube that can be accessed at school. As a teacher, I would use YouTube or Teacher Tube to show students clips pertaining to lessons for bell ringers, self reflection writing exercises, or just informational purposes.

After viewing the Mali video, which is hilarious, I found another about the importance of proofreading. While some of the language may be too much to show to students, in a comical way, it reminds you how impotent it is to proofread!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thing 18- Twitter Me

Like most people today, I already have a Facebook account so I didn't see much need in scoping it out for this Thing. It would have ended an hour later when I realized I'd just been Facebook stalking people instead of actually doing my work! So I decided to fiiinnnnallly go check out Twitter. I created an account and added a few followers,but I don't foresee using it very much. I don't imagine that my life as a student/army wife/domestic goddes/mom is so enthralling that people will follow me to see what I have to say in a 140 characters or less.

Regardless of my personal thoughts on social networking, we can't deny the extreme influence that these sites  will have on our students and our classrooms. As teachers, we need to be aware of the good and the bad that can come from social networking. While sites like Facebook and Twitter keep us connected to our friends and family, it is also an avenue for the growing epidemic of cyber bullying. Teachers must be aware of these issues and work to create bully free schools and classrooms and make it clear to students that the negative aspects of social networking will not be tolerated within the classroom.

While I generally think social networking is a distraction in the classroom, I do see how it could be incorporated into schools. Classes could have group Facebook pages to share an upcoming project, event or fundraiser. Students could use the polling feature to interview 'friends' for as part of class activities. Social Networking is definitely here to stay and we must stay abreast of current trends that effect our students and our classrooms.