Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thing 11-Finding Good Feeds

It's funny how many sites have the orange icon and other "follow me" links. I've never really paid attention to them until now. Finding feeds was fairly easy for me. I searched using all the provided avenue,s and I felt that Google Blog Search was the easiest. Topix seemed the least helpful. Technorati's home page was chock full of political articles and blogs which was a turn off for me, but I did search and find a blog to add. I also searched a few of my own favorites sites and found ways to add those to Google reader

Leyden Learn 365 and Larry Felazzo's Website of the day were two educational feeds that I found interesting and worth adding to my feed. Leyden Learn is a school wide blog of East Leyden High School. Teachers from all departments take turns with the daily post. Felazzo's blog is geared toward teachers of ELL, EFL, and ESL, but has information for all educators.

Now that I'm aware of how to use Google reader and RSS, it will make keeping up with blogs I've discovered so much easier. I'll develop my own stock pile of useful sites for my future classroom!

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